Welcome to The Science of Change podcast! In this first episode, our host Kristen Berman kicks it off with a case study on an enormously successful company: Peloton. Kristen sits with David Packles, Senior Director of Product Management at Peloton Interactive, to unpack the behavioral tactics used by this game-changing home fitness enterprise. From the way they’ve crafted workouts to their engagement strategies such as leaderboards and streaks, Peloton’s strategies look like a behavior science textbook. Join this conversation and peek inside the secrets behind Peloton.
Jump straight into:
(01:09) - How Peloton has completely changed the home fitness game.
(02:44) - Make it easier and shorter!: How Peloton figured out the perfect way to get the foot in the door.
(07:07) - Building accountability and commitment: The story behind Peloton’s customized social experience, plus“Here Now” and their coordinated start time features.
(16:10) - Daily and weekly streaks: The pros and cons of using tracking motivation techniques and nudges.
(20:40) - Implementation intention: How to capture the attention of different people through challenges, entertainment, and social accountability.
(23:51) - Do leaderboards really work?: Competition, presence, and simplifying the levels of success for users.
(28:40) - Consistency vs. routine: The best way to create a working out habit.
(35:32) - Explore and exploit: The importance of onboarding and letting people try different experiences and then settle into a habit.
(38:13) - Quickfire questions on Peloton: Surprises, news, learnings, tips, and other words of wisdom from David.
Episode resources
Additional reading, resources and literature review on exercise & habits
Connect with David through LinkedIn
Thank you for listening to The Science of Change. Reach out to Kristen through LinkedIn and visit The Irrational Labs website for more information on behavioral science.
This show is presented by SetSail (follow on LinkedIn) and produced by Kristen Berman and Studio Pod Media. The executive producer is Rachael Roberts. All episodes are written by Jack Bueher. Music and editing provided by nodalab.